Select Context for MXNetΒΆ

MinPy as a system fully integrates MXNet, enjoys MXNet’s flexibility to run operations on CPU and different GPUs. The Context in MinPy determines where MXNet operations run. MinPy has two built-in Context in minpy.context:

  1. minpy.context.cpu() [Default]: runs on CPU. No device_id needed for CPU context.
  2. minpy.context.gpu(device_id): runs on GPU specified by device_id. Usually gpu(0) is the first GPU in the system. Note that GPU context is only available with MXNet complied with GPU support.

There are two functions to set context:

1. use minpy.context.set_context to set global context. we encourage you to use it at the header of program. For example:

from minpy.context import set_context, cpu, gpu
set_context(gpu(0))  # set the global context as gpu(0)

It is worth mentioning that minpy.context.set_context only accepts instances of context classes.

The context is active in the lifetime of the current imported MinPy module, which is usually the scope of the current file.

2. use with statement to set local context. For example:

with gpu(0):
    x_gpu0 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
    y_gpu0 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
    z_gpu0 =, y_gpu0)
with gpu(1):
    x_gpu1 = random.rand(32, 64) - 0.5
    y_gpu1 = random.rand(64, 32) - 0.5
    z_gpu1 =, x_gpu1)

The code snippet will run on gpu0 or gpu1 decided by the device information in the with statement. With this feature, you can achive distributing computation on multi-device.